Church and Mission in Ethical Issues


Since social media became the backbone of communication it connects us to the world. As a church, we are responsible to take the mission globally. That´s why social media is a big contribution for us believers, to accomplish this mission successfully. We have a strong advantage in blogging and other social engagement to spread the Gospel. We have the free world to express our opinions, our ideas to connect to people in promoting the God News because we are called for this.

As a bloggers or writers in our church, we should be very careful and be aware of the ethical framework base on the standard protocol of social media. Yes, we have a freedom of expression, however, we shoud remember that freedom must carry the legal protections of our church, readers, and viewers without causing them any harm which connects to the purpose of digital ethics.

There are lots of dilemma that social media can offer, but why not use and communicate in an advantage way that can bring enlightenment to everyone. Base on ethical issues, the truth of the gospel has no questions for anyone who believes in Christ. Despite of the fact, that there are contrast of Christ Godship, we can not deny that we share the truth as a mission for our church.

The public interest of bringing the truth is the most important in social media. The benefits of advertising the truth can help and open the eyes of the unbelievers and as a writer , you will be the instrument to voice out or to exposed the weaknesses of the fading churches and a dying mission to stand again.

Social media can express whatever they want because of the freedom of speech. However, in terms of truth of the gospel, the writer should must be aware of the integrity and the fairness of his or her belief compare to other churches. A justice apporach must always apply as a writer to avoid conflict and descrimination that can give burden to your reader. Being open and transparent is a key goal to have a successful mission. Accepting other strategies, open to other cultures will cut the hindrances and to have an effective way of communication.

Intellectual property is also important in any organization or even in the church. In doing the mission we should be aware in giving respect to the property and other resources that we will use. Even the ideas or the works of others, trust and loyalty is considered as intellectual property. This is a critical tool that we should always remember.

By knowing the ethical issues in digital media in a church sectors, is an important factors in social media since it is a force for the church, for a cultural change both within and outside their mission. People are seeking the social channels or social network for their questions to be answered spritually and it is a one way to encounter God within the digital world. It is a powerful way to influence the lives of each individual and to express our faith to Jesus Christ. As a church we are encouraged to be the light and salt as we participate in global conversation attainable in social media.


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